Iron That Sharpens

When will I grow into who I’m supposed to be
Because I could be so much more
But why do I look into the future
When I should look to my left and my right
Because they will be the iron that sharpens me

Only God knows what is planned for the motions of our hearts
So I will set aside what I have built up in my mind
I will take the leap of faith
With open hands


Thinking About the Years

I thought a little bit about the years that flew by
How they all brought me here, but still I let myself down
There are so many things I wish I had done better
But as I thought about those years
I came to one conclusion

If I could I would live those years again
But if I wouldn’t end up here
Then I wouldn’t change a thing

So as I see another change closing in
I promise you that I will not turn my back the other way
And if I turn, I will turn to you
Because every other way
Leads to crying myself to sleep

And if I could sleep last night over again
I would give you all of me
And I’d promise
That you’ll be the only one who can change things


I Thought I

I thought I’d do something worth talking about
I thought I’d say something worth repeating
After all I’m in the dirt up to my knees
And I’m running out of things to do to get me out

I thought I’d see you sooner than I did
I thought you’d be up all night waiting
After all I am the one who brought you here
But I guess that you just turned and ran away

As the shadows fade into the pavement
I think I’ve finally found an escape


A Song Comes to Mind

There is a song that comes to mind
In times like these
And for the same old reasons
I’m scared to sing along
With my own words

So when it’s me
Who gets stuck with the responsibility
I’ll admit that I am at a loss
And I’m not ready

But the words are already spoken
And they’re flowing now
Because I’m the one
On who’s shoulder you tapped


Feeling of Goodbye

I watch all the people I love
Wave goodbye
This is the end
I won’t see you again

Hearts so tender and our eyes, they cry
Say goodbye
Through quivering lips
It hurts to be here again

In the sky the birds fly
They’re already where we’re going
And we wonder why
It took so much time
To figure out this feeling
This feeling of goodbye


Why Are You Fiction?

Now that I’m sitting here alone
Away from the crowds
And the people you were around
Do they make you act differently
Than the girl you really are
When you’re not on the silver screen

So when you turn around
And the only one you see is me
Will you answer me this question
Why are you fiction?
Because you’re the girl of my dreams

It seems that I might
Have a bit of a hard time believing
That if you’ve been invented by minds of men
Then somewhere out there is the Father’s daughter
She’s infinitely greater
And I’m trying to find her

So when you turn around
And the only one you see is me
Will you answer me this question
Why aren’t you fiction?
Because you’re the girl of my dreams


Home Again (Now It’s Time)

That’s not the problem
She whispered to me
But all I heard was a whistle
In and then out of my ears
And I am still driving
My way through the night
So by sunrise tomorrow
I’ll set sight on your eyes

Now it’s time
That you take me home again

You’re always there when I close my eyes
In the back of my mind, dressed blue as the sky
And you walk towards me with arms outstretched
And I reach, but I seem to fail again
In bringing you home
Just because there was a time
Where you felt that home
Was close to me

Now it’s time
That I am your home again

But we’re both different people, you try and repeat
Through the same old expressions and familiar eyes
And I just can’t for a moment believe
That you believe a word that you say
Because I’ve been there before, trust me I know
What it feels like to be lost and down on your luck
But you’ve a home
Right next to me
And it’s open
Whenever you’re ready

Isn’t it time
That you come home again


Listen to Able to Stay

Visit my purevolume page or my myspace page to listen to what I got so far.

Click here to read Able to Stay


So it turns out that what I had so far wasn’t that great. However, what I have now is much better. Just you wait and see.